Sunday, January 9, 2011

Silent Sunday - first swim 2011

Silent Sunday


  1. I remember Burton's first swim was almost a year ago! Hope T enjoyed his time n the pool. X

  2. I must take my two little ones swimming. I know they'd love it. I just wish I didn't hate it so much :(

  3. Great picture! It captures the chaos, the fun and the anticipation of going to the pool. XXX

  4. I was just at our leisure centre checking out the prices for swimming lesson. I guess its about time I took him. lots of fun!

  5. Can't wait to go swimming again with our girls. We have a brilliant local pool whjich they love just waiting for coughs and colds to clear up.
    Love the photo, really exciting

  6. My OH used to take my son on a Sunday morning, then he would come home and sleep for 2 hours - child, although sometimes OH. I miss those long Sunday's - they go on a Monday now. I miss it all.

  7. Love that photo, you have a great eye for colours and it's kind of toddler eye level. I hope you had a great time!

  8. Thanks! T hadn't been in a pool since the summer and spent 15 minutes shouting 'No no nooooo!" and refused to go in... By the end he was wearing armbands and went on the slide by himself. I felt stupidly proud! x

  9. I can almost smell the chlorine looking at that pic :0)

  10. Lovely pic! No better way to kick off the new year than to jump straight into the deep end and paddle like mad...

  11. Oh, my son would have a fit! He's bursting at the seams for a swim. :)


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