Wednesday, December 8, 2010


We went to Maryland for Thanksgiving.

Goodbye Glasgow, goodbye white wind turbines (see here for the return!)

Thomas was an angel on the aeroplanes.

We visited the air & space museum in Washington DC.

We visited Frederick, with it's canal and many many churches.

And we came home to a blanket of snow and have been stuck at home ever since!

We went to many places and saw many things and I took many many photos! All on manual! These photos represent the colour white to me for the last couple of weeks. Go over to The Gallery at Sticky Fingers for more brilliant photos...


  1. Beautiful pictures. It looks like you all had a fabulous time!

    Herding cats x

  2. Lovely photos, wow you must have gotten a bit of a shock when you came back to all that snow! Jen

  3. Gorgeous pictures! I love that shot of your little man, I have a few non-'cheese' shots and love how they show a different side of their personalities.

  4. Ooh, love the contrast of the branches against the white church & the snow blanket in the last one, ooh & your little man's face - in fact I love them all!

  5. Thanks all! We had a great time and I'm still in shock from all the snow... although it has given me a prolonged holiday from work as Glasgow is too iced up to function! x

  6. Oh wow... that is a LOT of snow to come back to, must've been quite a shock!
    We're still all but snowed in up here, though at least the snow's compacted enough that I can push the buggy over it, and cars are going so slowly that most of us can walk on the road safely. :)

  7. Sounds and looks like you had a fabulous time. Love the little car shot on the plane myself :) must be a kid thing

  8. Great pictures...and memories of that snow!!! Here from Blog Gems! xxx

  9. Whata great trip to have been on and fab photos aswell.
    Found this via BLog Gems x


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